How will be Weekly health horoscope (January 02-08) for the zodiac sign of Scorpio

How will be Weekly health horoscope (January 02-08) for the zodiac sign of Scorpio

The energy potential is quite high, in the first week of January the health horoscope promises: the year will begin actively and positively.

Diseases will pass you by; take advantage of this opportunity. Do not sit at home; instead, move more; both your mood and the extra pounds will improve.

A walk in the coniferous forest is the best way to start the week for Scorpio. If you don't have time to go outside, add a few drops of fir, pine, and spruce oil to the aroma lamp - it will make it easier to breathe.

Don't react to people who can drain your energy in the middle of the week. The Sun in Capricorn represents a period of uncertainty and fear. They are high in magnesium, iron, and phosphorus, all of which help to strengthen the nervous system.

The appearance of flies before the eyes at the end of the week is a reason for Scorpios to take care of their eye health. It is not advisable to strain your eyes during the waning gibbous phase of the Moon. Limit the amount of time you work on a computer to keep your cornea from drying out.

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