What movies did Gwynyth Walsh play in?

What movies did Gwynyth Walsh play in?

Gwynyth Walsh was born November 7, 1956 in Canada. Jaime Kelsey Flower her astrological sign is Scorpio

Gwynyth Walsh has starred in Star Trek Generations, Black Summer  and 2103: the Deadly Wake.


“Blue Monkey” (1987), “The Jeweler's Shop”(1988), “The Portrait” (1992), “The Crush” (1993), “Star Trek Generations” (1994), “Soft Deceit” (1994), “2103: The Deadly Wake” (1997), “Crossing Fields Jessica” (1997), “MXP: Most Extreme Primate”, “Flush Sarah” (2004), “The Sparkle Lite Motel       “ (2006), “Barbie in A Christmas Carol” (2008), “No One Knows You Like Your Mother” (2009), “Chokeslam” (2016), “A Family of Ghosts” (2017), “Miracle in East Texas” (2019) , “Black Summer” (2019)

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