As I mentioned last week, there is a crucial game being played in the professional realm that allows you to solidify your position and assess, strengthen, and, in some circumstances, forge new agreements and compromises with colleagues and work representatives. Take advantage of these transits to "ask" if you are waiting for a contract renewal or a redefining of your role inside the organization. Although it will frequently be required to wait until the second half of April to receive definitive answers, the trend is unquestionably encouraging. On the other side, people who have recently started a new trip or made a request may get significant confirmations or responses this week, particularly on Thursday, September 23, and Friday, September 24, when the Moon is in the sign. In some circumstances, work offers may also "move" the objectives' center of gravity. These offers may come in the form of a new position that differs from the norm, a job from a different firm, a task that requires travel, or even a consideration of relocating to a different city. In summary, this sky offers options, but it's up to you to be able to make a decision and maintain your composure if you have to give something up. It was possible for the last quarter Moon earlier in the week to cause brief periods of confusion or distraction, but now is the time to sort and sort. Avoid running away from your duties or from dealing with some workplace issues when Mars is in square.
Also true in terms of love... When faced with disagreement, Aquarius sometimes chooses to withdraw into itself and avoid talking about it. This is a plan that should not be implemented during this time, especially if the partner and you need to make critical decisions together about the family, the home, or more generally the rearrangement of some areas of your ménage. Once more, the Mars quadrature functions as a "compressor," and it's crucial to find the best outlet by tackling each question and issue head-on. During this time, you could have conflicting notions if the other wants more definition or even asks you to live together or get married. Although you struggle with saying "no," you also have a tendency to flee from people who are pursuing you. As I mentioned in the previous horoscope, you need to approach this point in your life slowly. Relax down and establish your center. The relationship can occasionally change, so if your spouse is avoiding your requests, try to give him some space without putting any pressure on him. Excellent recuperation for emotions related to Friday 24, even for singles who view love through the prism of a sweet and fascinating friendship.
Horoscope : weekly (20-26 March) predictions
Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces