So that nothing dampens the holiday spirit, settle your bills and pay off your old debts. Maintain a similar pattern of behavior in your personal life. If there are any issues, they must be resolved as soon as possible. Even if you act in accordance with the circumstances, do not act against your will.
Shocks at the start of the week do not pose a threat to you. People can find benefits in everything when the Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius. If you are overjoyed, the Aquarius weekly horoscope suggests that you share it with others. Consider how you can surprise your loved ones by giving them something unexpected. Try to be sympathetic and helpful at work.
Aquarius' arrogance knows no bounds in the middle of the week. Mercury's influence in Capricorn manifests itself in the ability to prove one's points. Consider how justified your aggressive actions are before charging into battle. Take up a new hobby or learn something new. Even if the craze doesn't take off, you can blow off some steam.
It is best not to plan anything for the weekend because what is planned may not come to fruition. Under the influence of the Moon in Capricorn, irritating mistakes and delays can occur. The Aquarius weekly horoscope believes that you must be prepared for any turn of events. Expect pleasant surprises if you have to go. Your life will change dramatically after that.
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December monthly horoscope Capricorn
December monthly horoscope Aquarius