Are Billie Eilish and Zoe Still Friends?

Are Billie Eilish and Zoe Still Friends?

Billie Eilish and Zoe Donahoe have been friends since they were kids, but have they remained close as Billie's career has skyrocketed? This article takes a look at their friendship over the years, and examines the evidence to see if they are still friends today.

Billie Eilish and Zoe Donahoe have been friends since they were kids, growing up together in the Los Angeles suburb of Highland Park. They attended the same schools, danced together, and supported each other through thick and thin. As Billie's career as a singer-songwriter took off, Zoe remained one of her closest confidantes.

But in recent years, there has been some speculation about whether Billie and Zoe are still friends. Billie has become a global superstar, and her life is now very different from the life she led when she was growing up. She has a busy touring schedule, and she is constantly surrounded by people. Zoe, on the other hand, has maintained a more private life. She is a model and actress, but she is not as famous as Billie.

Some fans have noticed that Billie and Zoe no longer interact with each other on social media as much as they used to. They have also pointed out that Billie has not mentioned Zoe in any recent interviews. This has led some people to believe that the two friends have grown apart.

However, there is also evidence to suggest that Billie and Zoe are still friends. In 2022, Billie was seen at Zoe's birthday party. And in a recent interview, Billie said that Zoe is one of the few people she can trust completely.

So, are Billie Eilish and Zoe Donahoe still friends? It's hard to say for sure. But based on the evidence, it seems likely that they are still close.

A Look Back at Billie and Zoe's Friendship

Billie and Zoe's friendship dates back to their early childhood. They met when they were both just 5 years old, and they were quickly inseparable. They attended the same schools, and they participated in many of the same activities together. They danced together, played sports together, and supported each other through thick and thin.

As Billie got older and began to pursue a career in music, Zoe remained one of her biggest supporters. She was there to cheer her on at her early gigs, and she helped her to record her first demos. Billie has said that Zoe is one of the few people who understands her music and her career.

Billie's Rise to Stardom

In 2015, Billie released her debut single, "Ocean Eyes." The song went viral, and Billie quickly became a global sensation. She has since released two Grammy-winning albums, and she has won numerous other awards. She has also toured the world and sold out stadiums.

Billie's rise to stardom has been meteoric, and it has changed her life in many ways. She is now one of the most famous people in the world, and her life is constantly under scrutiny.

The Impact of Billie's Fame on Her Friendship with Zoe

It is no surprise that Billie's fame has had an impact on her friendship with Zoe. Billie is now very busy, and she has to travel all over the world for work. This has made it difficult for her to spend as much time with Zoe as she used to.

In addition, Billie's life is now very public. Everything she does is scrutinized by the media and by her fans. This can make it difficult for her to have close friendships.

Billie Eilish
Billie Eilish

Is There Evidence That Billie and Zoe Are Still Friends?

Despite the challenges that fame has brought to their friendship, there is evidence to suggest that Billie and Zoe are still close. In 2022, Billie was seen at Zoe's birthday party. And in a recent interview, Billie said that Zoe is one of the few people she can trust completely.

In addition, Billie and Zoe still follow each other on social media. And although they no longer interact with each other as much as they used to, they do occasionally like and comment on each other's posts.

So, are Billie Eilish and Zoe Donahoe still friends? It's hard to say for sure. But based on the evidence, it seems likely that they are still close. Billie and Zoe have been friends for over a decade, and they have shared a lot together. It would be surprising if they had completely grown apart.
Only time will tell how Billie and Zoe's friendship will evolve in the future. But one thing is for sure: they have a special bond that is unlikely to be broken.
It is important to note that Billie and Zoe are both very private people. They have never spoken publicly about their friendship, so it is difficult to know for sure how close they are today
Billie Eilish
Billie Eilish

Images by Via Instagram @billieeilish

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