The contraceptive pill is a viable alternative for women who wish to prevent conception but aren't ready for permanent sterilization.
An anticonvulsant chewable tablet may be preferable than oral contraceptives for women who have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or other problems that could hinder the absorption of oral drugs.
If you want a contraceptive method that doesn't require you to remember to take a tablet each day: The anticonvulsive cream is applied once per week, making it a good option for women who might forget to take their medication every day.
Use the anti-concezional cream to the clean, wrinkle-free, and intact skin of the neck, the addome, the fingers, or the legs. Avoid applying it to inflamed or lesional areas.
One time each week, on the same day of the week, change the Contraceptive patch.
Continue using the contraceptive for three consecutive days, then take a one-week break during which the menstrual cycle will occur.
If one forgets to apply the cerotto, one shouldn't wait till one remembers to do so. Consult a physician regarding the use of other contraceptive methods and the possibility of pregnancy if the tooth has been left untreated for more than 24 hours.
Like with any contraceptive method, it's crucial to discuss the choice of anticonvulsant medication with your doctor and keep an eye out for any side effects.