Make an effort to cultivate positive relationships with those around you. If you're feeling tense, laugh and joke - a sense of humor will help you get through any situation.
Love will knock on Capricorn's door: the first days of the week will be filled with romantic touches. With Mercury in Scorpio, the truth is more important than anything else. If you have feelings for a coworker, be forthright about your intentions. Collaboration brings lovers closer together.
Don't be afraid to go to the doctor in the middle of the week. When the Sun is in Capricorn, the body has a difficult time dealing with stress. Capricorn's weekly work horoscope warns: once the pain is numb, the problem cannot be solved. Stop working, get more rest, and start taking vitamins.
Capricorns will have an eventful weekend because they are involved in charity work. During the waxing Moon, one should not expect the plan to be carried out instantly. It's time to act at the request of the soul. If you give money to a good cause, the money will come back to you.
Aries Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)
Taurus Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)
Gemini Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)
Cancer Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)
Leo Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)
Virgin Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)
Libra Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)
Scorpio Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)
Capricorn Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)
Aquarius Weekly Business horoscope (December 18-25)