Make changes to the above-mentioned plans as needed, such as changing workouts or shortening class time. Maintain a supply of pain relievers and stretch cream on hand.
Capricorn will not be bored alone at the start of the week thanks to his charm. Sexual attraction increases when the Moon is in Scorpio. However, while enjoying sensual pleasures, remember to keep your cool. You may have intimate problems as a result of your carelessness.
Do not suffer from a headache in the middle of the week. The Sun in Capricorn bestows thoughtfulness and patience. Capricorn's weekly health horoscope suggests that the body should not be tested for strength. Massage points on the bridge of your nose near the inner corners of your eyes for pill-free pain relief.
Capricorns will want to change their hairstyle at the end of the week, and they will be correct. The growing moon period is ideal for a haircut because the hair will grow faster and look healthier. Trimming the tips will also benefit your financial situation, and financial success awaits you.
Aries Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)
Taurus Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)
Gemini Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)
Cancer Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)
Leo Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)
Virgin Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)
Libra Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)
Scorpio Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)
Capricorn Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)
Aquarius Weekly Health horoscope (December 18-25)