This is a good time to save money and to be successful with large purchases. Representatives of the sign can buy and sell real estate with confidence, begin major repairs or construction, and invest. It will not be difficult to spoil relatives, for example, with an expensive vacation. Before winter, the horoscope predicts the completion of major projects and a sizable profit. Employees who are hired have a good chance of receiving a good bonus for their hard work.
The Oxen may find additional income or the opportunity to have a passive income closer to the fall of 2023. The horoscope suggests not passing up such opportunities, even if they require a significant amount of free time. In a month or two, the situation will most likely return to normal, and people born under this sign will be able to successfully combine their main activity and a half-day job. If funds allow, it is possible to organize a small vacation at the end of the Rabbit year: go to a ski resort, spend Christmas in another country, or bask in the warm sea. Such expenses are entirely justified for conscientious employees who, after a brief respite, will return to work with even greater zeal.