It is more appropriate to accumulate an airbag or save for large expenses during the Rabbit year. However, if the Rats plan ahead of time, they can be very successful in purchasing real estate, purchasing expensive equipment, or relocating to another country. The horoscope predicts a successful business start-up if the money is already there and a carefully written plan and its costs have been calculated.
Some people born under this sign may find that their income stagnates or even decreases. Perhaps it is time to reconsider the traditional methods of earning. The Chinese horoscope 2023 of the Rat suggests not being upset and instead looking for new opportunities. Perhaps you should give up minor responsibilities in order to take on larger tasks and levels of responsibility. Obviously, you will have to work harder, but the material rewards will be greater. The year of the Rabbit will be prosperous for those seeking additional income, especially if their favorite hobby becomes its foundation. However, if you are starting a new business, the horoscope advises you to avoid risky ventures because you will be forced to work with bare enthusiasm.