The Horse is categorized as a Yang animal and is the seventh sign of the Chinese zodiac. It is active from 11 AM to 1 PM and is most fortunate during the summer season, with its peak in June. In the European zodiac, the Horse corresponds to the sign of Gemini, and its fixed element is Fire. Fiery red is the color that brings them joy and prosperity, while hawthorn, peony, nasturtium, palm, and orange are flowers and plants that bring them good luck.
Compared to other animals, the Horse can surprise a person as it contains a hidden secret. Although it can help someone in dangerous adventures, it will never reveal everything. The Horse has risen from darkness, deep within the earth, and can gather all wanderers. It symbolizes grain and growth in many countries, having braved the cold, frost, and heat, and brought the fruits of human labor to keep them in bins until the next spring. Therefore, the Horse also signifies renewal.
Various rituals of the Celts and Irish are associated with the white Horse. For instance, a fire festival where peasants jumped over a fire and a large wooden Horse appeared, inside of which people sat. This Horse also jumped over the fire and chased people, performing the Horse ritual, representing the spirit of grain and war. Unlike the snake, the Horse is highly respected. It has a majestic appearance and is comfortable in all battles and peaceful cultivated lands. The Horse is frequently involved in sports, and though many people adore it, not everyone is brave enough to ride it. This is because Horses can restore themselves. They are intelligent and loyal, but in dangerous situations, they can lose their sense of proportion, making them dangerous if not controlled.
A Horse is happiest if born in winter, as it tends to have a cooler head. Childhood and youth are challenging times for a Horse. Therefore, it tries to leave the family as soon as possible to gain independence and establish itself in the world. This time is full of ups and downs, often leading to disappointment. A Horse usually struggles to build a good life for itself and is frequently unlucky in both finances and love. However, Horses start over many times and acquire vitality and peace in adulthood due to their persistence in overcoming failures. Old age typically passes quietly for them.
horoscope : month May 2023 predictions
Rat -Ox-Tiger -Rabbit-Dragon -Snake-Horse-Goat-Monkey-Rooster-Dog-Pig
horoscope : month June 2023 predictions
Rat -Ox-Tiger -Rabbit-Dragon -Snake-Horse-Goat-Monkey-Rooster-Dog-Pig
horoscope : month July 2023 predictions
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horoscope : month August 2023 predictions
Rat -Ox-Tiger -Rabbit-Dragon -Snake-Horse-Goat-Monkey-Rooster-Dog-Pig
horoscope : month September 2023 predictions
Rat -Ox-Tiger -Rabbit-Dragon -Snake-Horse-Goat-Monkey-Rooster-Dog-Pig