To ensure that your organization runs smoothly, you need to understand how policies and procedures affect your daily operations. This article will teach you how to evaluate policies and procedures so that you can improve them.
Every policy or procedure has a purpose. It should be easy to determine what that purpose is by looking at the name itself. If you cannot figure out the purpose of a particular policy or procedure, ask yourself why it was written. You might find that there is no clear reason behind its creation.
For example, if you are asked to sign a form stating that you understand the rules of conduct for the workplace, then the purpose of that rule is to ensure that employees follow those rules. However, if you are asked whether you agree to abide by the company’s code of ethics, then the purpose of the code is to protect the company from legal liability.
Once you identify who is responsible for writing a policy or procedure, you can begin to assess whether it is effective. Ask yourself how often the policy or procedure is used. Does it seem to work as intended? Do people follow it consistently? Are there any exceptions?
If you find that the policy or procedure isn’t working well, then you should consider revising it. You might want to ask the person who wrote it what he or she thinks needs changing. Or, if you think the policy or procedure is too vague, you could write a new one.
If you find that a policy or procedure isn’t relevant, then you need to determine why. Is it because it was written by someone with no knowledge of the situation? Or does it not apply to the current circumstances?
For example, if you work at a company where there is a dress code, you should know what the rules are before you go into the office. You wouldn’t want to show up wearing shorts and sandals, would you? Likewise, if you’re working in a hospital, you should be aware of the policies regarding hair length and attire.
Review Existing Policies And Procedures.
Once you have determined whether or not a policy applies to your organization, you should review existing policies and procedures to ensure that they are still valid and applicable. You might also consider updating some of these documents to reflect changes in your business.
The first step in evaluating policies and procedures is to determine if they apply to your organization. If you are unsure whether a particular document applies to your company, contact your legal counsel or human resources department.
If you find that an existing policy does not apply to your situation, you should make a list of suggested changes. These suggestions can then be presented to management for approval.
When you feel that an existing policy does NOT apply to your situation, write down what you think needs to change. For example, if you are having trouble getting reimbursed for expenses related to attending conferences, write down the name of the person who handles reimbursement requests. You might suggest adding a new category to the expense report form, such as “conference attendance.” Or you could suggest changing the wording of the policy itself. For instance, you might suggest changing the word “reimbursement” to “expenses.”