One of the most enduring and enigmatic characters we associate with Halloween is the witch. Because it is what popular culture and cinema depicted to us. But things actually work out a little differently. Ever wonder how this repulsive notion of witches came to be? Have such wicked creatures actually existed, or is the entire concept of the evil green face merely a fabrication? Here's a look at the history of witches and a study of how, contrary to what you may expect, modern women's circumstances are far more in line with these stereotypes.
Witches, grotesque characters from well-known fairy tales and mythology, have a long history and are present in many different cultures today. It was said that these women, who predominately identified as female, used their abilities nearly exclusively to injure humans and hence opposed human society as a whole. There is a need to kill them as a result.
When the history of witches is examined, it becomes clear that most of the people accused of witchcraft were impoverished, elderly, foreigners, single women or widows, prostitutes, and rebels. When women began to stray from their assigned positions at the time, they were immediately targeted. But there were also questions about not enough kids. The union of women among themselves, however, may have been the factor that has shocked society the most, to the point that it caused paranoia to turn into actual persecution.
Can we argue that misogyny and ignorance, which killed thousands of women, have been eradicated today? Despite the many developments and the mixed-size successes, I believe the answer is no. The more open and sincere a woman is, the more she is viewed as a threat in Western countries, according to a number of sociologists. Thus, in this sense, the witch represents what sociologists refer to as symbolic violence, which is an unintentional kind of cultural or social dominance.