Inventing Anna is an American television miniseries that premiered on Netflix on February 11, 2022. The show is a fictionalized retelling of the story of Anna Sorokin, who posed as a wealthy heiress in New York City and scammed her way through the city's social elite. The miniseries is created and produced by Shonda Rhimes, the creator of popular shows such as Grey's Anatomy and Scandal.
My Friend Anna: The True Story of a Fake Heiress is a book written by Rachel DeLoache Williams, who was a friend of Anna Sorokin. The book chronicles Williams’ friendship with Sorokin and her experience being scammed by her. The book was published in July 2019 and has received positive reviews for its compelling storytelling.
Although Inventing Anna and My Friend Anna both center around Anna Sorokin, they are two different stories. Inventing Anna is a fictionalized retelling of Sorokin’s story, while My Friend Anna is a memoir written by someone who knew Sorokin personally.
Inventing Anna takes inspiration from the New York Magazine article “How Anna Delvey Tricked New York's Party People” by Jessica Pressler, which tells the story of Sorokin’s scams. The TV series takes creative liberties with the story, creating fictional characters and events to tell a compelling story.
On the other hand, My Friend Anna is a firsthand account of Sorokin’s scams from the perspective of Rachel DeLoache Williams, who was scammed by Sorokin. The book details their friendship, the events leading up to the scam, and the aftermath.
Inventing Anna is a TV series created by Shonda Rhimes based on the story of Anna Sorokin, while My Friend Anna is a book written by Rachel DeLoache Williams about her friendship with Sorokin and her experience being scammed. While the two stories share some similarities, they are different and should not be confused. If you’re looking for an engaging read about Sorokin’s scams, My Friend Anna is a great option, and if you’re in the mood for a thrilling TV series, Inventing Anna is definitely worth a watch.
Inventing Anna Drama on Netflix
When did "Inventing Anna" on Netflix come out?
When is "Inventing Anna"on Netflix season 2?
Does is "Inventing Anna" a true story on Netflix?