The air sign must feel free in order for well-being to succeed. A fun group of friends, exciting trips, and active rest are exactly what the doctor ordered. Libra, who is sensitive to external conditions, can become ill even from a breath of wind. Prolonged exposure to cold reduces the body's defenses in Capricorn. To prevent disease, begin your day with a contrast shower and exercise.
Aries January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Taurus January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Gemini January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Cancer January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Leo January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Virgo January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Libra January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Scorpio January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Capricorn January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Aquarius January 2023 monthly Health horoscope