Neutral colors: which ones to choose based on the color scheme

Neutral colors: which ones to choose based on the color scheme

Explaining exactly how the different shades are identified is difficult, partly because the human eye is designed in such a way that the perception of a given color changes completely depending on the colors around it, as shown in the image below: the two squares appear to be of different colors, but they are the same color! demonstrating how the perception of a color can change drastically depending on the hues that surround it

The use of neutral colors places the subject in front of an almost limitless number of combinations and color mixes, allowing the imagination to run wild when combining the garments. In this case, the image consultant is critical. He searches for the neutral shade suitable for the client's chromatic season, so that it is consistent with the person's colors, using professionalism and appropriate tools.

The three neutral colors and their variations.

It is difficult to explain how shades are identified and differentiated. In general, each color varies depending on the nuances with which it is combined. In reality, it is the perception of the eye of the shade that changes, allowing it to exploit the same shade in different color combinations. In general, neutral colors can be divided into three shades: Gray is a thoughtful combination of black and white, the two "non-colors" par excellence. For this reason, we use the term gray to denote a neutral space, a perfect middle ground between two strong colors. The perception of this tint varies depending on the natural context, such as clouds, shadows, and stones. Gray, despite its thoughtful and in-between nature, is frequently associated with seriousness and power; beige: it is a color that hides a variety of shades, from yellow to pink and even golden. As expected, the tint's perception varies depending on the color with which it is combined. Furthermore, neutral tones have a strong connection to the environment they represent, such as warm sand, wheat, or linen. Beige was initially associated with the color of natural wool. This association was highlighted by Coco Chanel in the 1920s, which gave rise to this reference. The first case includes the nuances of silver, anthracite and dove grey; in the second there are instead ivory, honey and hazelnut.

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