The Pig is categorized as a Yin animal and is the twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac. Its active period is from 9pm to 11pm, and autumn is considered the season of good luck, particularly in November. In the European zodiac, the Pig corresponds to Scorpio and has a fixed water element. The colors that symbolize happiness and prosperity for Pigs are blue and tawny, while the flowers and plants associated with good fortune are lavender, acacia, and hazelnut.
In Eastern cultures, the Pig is believed to be the owner of the courtyard and is a symbol of pleasure, naivety, and passion. It is often difficult to determine whether a Pig is a noble wild boar or merely a Piggy bank. Pigs have a unique blend of licentiousness and ferocity, with alternating light and dark traits. In their presence, one may feel disarmed and defenseless, but their exciting nature and wealth are also a delight. Pigs are elusive and often solitary, feeding on acorns and trampling fields. They can also be lascivious pigs that prefer to live in warm barns. Many legends surround black and white Pigs, who are known to be loners. In Druid myths, Pigs represent spiritual power, while in Christian myths, they are depicted as demons overcome by lust and can be destructive to orchards and fields. However, in China, the Pig is associated with courage, prosperity, and nobility.
It is not recommended to be born on New Year's Day if you are a Pig, as you will be eaten during the holidays. It is better if a Pig's birthday does not coincide with traditional holidays, as this can bring happiness. Childhood for Pigs is typically peaceful under the protection of their parents and patrons, but youth can be associated with emotional challenges. Pigs tend to be reserved by nature and will never ask for help, preferring to solve problems themselves. Maturity can bring family difficulties, but achieving stable feelings is crucial for long-term prosperity. If this stability is attained, Pigs can achieve full prosperity in old age.
horoscope : month May 2023 predictions
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horoscope : month September 2023 predictions
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