Purpose of a Code of Conduct

Purpose of a Code of Conduct

A code of conduct is an agreement between two or more parties about what they should do when things go wrong.

Codes of conduct are used in many different situations, including business meetings, social gatherings, and online communities. They're also useful for people who need to follow specific guidelines while participating in sports events, political campaigns, or other public settings.

Why Do We Need Codes of Conduct?

Codes of conduct help ensure that everyone involved in a situation has the same expectations and responsibilities. This helps prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. It's also helpful for those who feel uncomfortable with certain behaviors because they might not understand why they're being done.

Types of Codes of Conduct

There are three main types of codes of conduct: organizational, personal, and professional. An organizational code of conduct is used by organizations to govern how employees behave within the organization. A personal code of conduct is used to guide individuals' behavior outside of work. And a professional code of conduct is used among professionals to regulate their interactions with clients, patients, and other professionals.

How to Write a Code of Conduct

Codes of conduct are written documents that outline expectations for people who interact with each other. They help ensure that everyone involved in a situation understands what's expected of them.

How to Implement a Code of Conduct

If you're looking to implement a code of conduct at work, start by defining the purpose of the document. What does it mean to "do right" in your organization? Is there a problem that needs to be addressed? Once you've defined the purpose, write down the rules that will govern how employees behave.


In addition to writing down the rules, make sure you define who's responsible for enforcing them. Who has the authority to enforce the rules? How often will they check up on people? Will they issue warnings before taking disciplinary action? These questions will help you determine whether you need to hire additional staff or outsource enforcement duties.

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