There is a dedication to idealistic ideas with Mercury in Sagittarius. Participate in a charity event or donate any amount of money to a good cause.
Talk about your plans less frequently in the middle of the week. The Sun in Aquarius has the ability to significantly lengthen the path to success. Taurus' weekly career horoscope warns: walls have ears. In a competitive fight, all means are acceptable, deception is possible, and you should seek out a weak link in your environment.
Taurus will feel the need to slow down by the end of the week. During the waning moon, the world appears to go into a coma, and concentration becomes more difficult. Avoid taking active measures in order to avoid an unpleasant situation. Summarize, outline future plans - nothing too complicated.
Horoscope : weekly (13-19 february) predictions on LOVE
Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgin - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces
Horoscope : weekly (13-19 february) predictions on JOB
Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgin - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces
Horoscope : weekly (13-19 february) predictions on HEALTH
Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgin - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces