The Cosmic Cliffs to The Hand Of God: Unpicking the Poetry of Space

The Cosmic Cliffs to The Hand Of God: Unpicking the Poetry of Space

The universe is full of mysteries, and we're only beginning to understand how it works. But there are also many things that science has already figured out. Here are 10 facts about our universe that will blow your mind.

The Universe Is Not Flat.

We've known since Einstein that the universe isn't flat. In fact, it's curved. And it's not just any curve — it's an extremely complicated one.
If we could see the entire cosmos from outside our own galaxy, we'd find ourselves looking at a three-dimensional surface called a "cosmic egg." That's because the universe is expanding outward, and galaxies are rushing away from each other faster than light. As a result, the farther away we look, the further back in time we're seeing things.

The Universe Is Not Empty.

This means that we live in a 3D world, not a 2D one. If you're standing at the edge of a cliff, you can see down into the valley below. You can also see up above the top of the cliff. However, you cannot see both directions at once.
In other words, if you look straight ahead, you'll be able to see what's directly in front of you. But if you turn around, you'll be able see behind you. And if you turn around again, you'll be able view the side of the cliff. But you won't be able to see both sides at once.

The Universe Is Not Static.

In other words, our universe is dynamic. We live in a 3D universe, not a 2D world. Our universe is expanding, so there is more space between us and everything else. As the universe expands, galaxies move away from each other.
The universe is constantly changing. The stars we see today were born billions of years ago. And the universe is still expanding. That means that the light we see now has been traveling for billions of years. If we could travel back in time, we would find ourselves at the edge of a very different universe.

The Universe Is Not Random.

This means that we should expect to see patterns in nature. If we observe the same pattern repeatedly, then we can assume that it has some kind of purpose. For example, if we notice that every third word in a book starts with “the,” then we can conclude that the author was trying to make a point.

In fact, there are many examples of this in nature. Take the universe itself. We know that it is expanding because galaxies are moving away from each other at ever increasing speeds. And we know that the expansion began billions of years ago because stars are still shining today.

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