What to Eat to Speed Up Metabolism and Burn Fat

What to Eat to Speed Up Metabolism and Burn Fat

To speed up metabolism and burn fat, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet that is high in protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates, and low in processed foods and added sugars.

When it comes to fat burning foods there are a mountain of truth or false beliefs among which it is difficult to disentangle. Unfortunately, although I know that this news will please few, imagining the existence of a food that helps melt abdominal fat is pure madness. Burning fat is undoubtedly a more complex process.

On the contrary, there are many healthy habits and food combinations, which can play a key role in keeping the metabolism constantly active. The downside of this is that complying with these practices can take time and certainly requires constant effort. First of all by eating healthy but without forgetting the key role of lifestyle and regular sport.

So, as fat burning foods, space for fruits, vegetables, whole foods, lean protein foods and unsaturated fats. Without ever forgetting the key role of water!

Below, the food and the molecule (or molecules) which perform a beneficial action on adipose deposits (defined as fat burner in jargon).

Pineapple: rich in bromelain, a proteolytic molecule that reduces the inflammation typical of areas characterized by fatty deposits.

Orange, kiwi and lemon: vitamin C stimulates the production of carnitine which in turn promotes lipolysis.
Broccoli, peppers, rocket and spinach: vitamin C stimulates the production of carnitine which in turn promotes lipolysis.

Cocoa: catechins, metabolic stimulants.

Coffee: caffeine, metabolic stimulant.

Lean meat: rich in protein and containing all 8 essential amino acids, strong thermogenic action.

Onion: its digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories supplied by the food (negative calories).

Turmeric: curcumin counteracts the accumulation of fat in adipocytes.

Salad (especially lettuce): its digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories supplied by the food (negative calories).

Mango: catechins stimulate fat metabolism by increasing thermogenesis.

Apple and pear: they contain large quantities of pectin, a soluble fiber which boasts properties that contrast lithogenesis and promote lipolysis.

Black pepper: piperine is a substance with a well-known thermogenic action.

Chili pepper: capsaicin, in addition to its pain-relieving action, stimulates lipolysis.

Fish, crustaceans and molluscs: the presence of iodine stimulates the production of thyroid hormones by stimulating the metabolism.

Grapefruit: its digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories supplied by the food (negative calories).

Celery: its digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories supplied by the food (negative calories).

Green tea: catechins, especially epigallocatechin gallate, metabolic stimulant.

Zucchini: their digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories supplied by the food (negative calories).

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