Where to Find 4 Digit Zip Code Extension for Specific Addresses?

Where to Find 4 Digit Zip Code Extension for Specific Addresses?

Looking for the 4 digit zip code extension associated with a particular address? This guide provides an easy way to look up the extra digits you need. From postal service websites to ZIP Code lookup tools, find out how to quickly find your precise zip code extension here.

Try using the US Postal Service website.

The easiest way to find the 4 digit zip code extension associated with a particular address is to utilize the US Postal Service (USPS) website. This can be done by using USPS’s search tool. Enter in an address and you will have access to all available information, including the 4 digit zip extension associated with that specific address. Best of all, this service is free!

First, visit the USPS website and use the search tool to enter the address. Once you have items like street number and name filled out, click search and results will appear -- including the full 9-digit ZIP code. In this case “9 digit” includes both the first 5-digits along with a 4 digit extension (separated by a hyphen). Whether you need a mailing address or not, this is still an easy way to determine your PO Box or street address’ zip code.

Use an online address lookup tool.

Online address lookup tools are a great way to quickly locate a specific address’s 4 digit zip code extension. Not only do these services provide detailed information regarding the physical address, but they often offer additional details such as county and city name, latitude and longitude, Congressional district, and more. Plus, utilizing an online address lookup tool is convenient and free of charge.

To use an online address lookup tool, you simply enter the street address, city, and state in the provided search box. In a matter of seconds, the tool will return information about the physical address—including the 4 digit zip code extension. You can even refine your search results by entering further details like building name or type (i.e., condo). That way, you’re certain to find what you need. Online address lookup tools like this are an invaluable resource for finding a specific address’s zip code extension quickly and accurately.

Contact your local post office.

An alternate method for finding a specific address’s 4 digit zip code extension is to contact your local post office. Post offices are able to provide additional information about the zip code associated with a street address. If you're unsure which post office serves your area, simply go to USPS.com, enter your address information and current city into the search bar and hit enter. The results will include the name of the local post office branch as well as its phone number and other contact details.

Once you contact your local post office, tell the customer service representative that you are trying to find the 4 digit zip code extension for a specific address. The representative will first confirm the street address and then ask for alternate address information if needed. After confirming the address is correct, they will be able to provide you with the 4 digit zip code extension associated with that location. With this information, you should now have all four digits in one place and can use them when filling out forms or other documents requiring your full zip code.

Use Zip Codes from Addresses in Other Cities or States.

Although it’s tempting to copy the 4 digit zip code extension from an address in another city or state, this isn't recommended. For example, if you need to find the 4 digit zip code for a Chicago address and use a 4 digit zip from California, there is a good chance it won’t work. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information about your specific address’s zip code extensions, take the time to look it up using reliable U.S. Postal Service resources or contact your local post office directly.

The easiest way to find your 4 digit zip code extension is to go online to the U.S. Postal Service website and use their Zip Code Lookup tool. All you have to do is enter the street address, city and state, and it will provide you with the full 9 digit zip code that includes both the five-digit zip code plus four-digit zip code extension. You can also call your local post office and they may be able to provide you with the information if they are familiar with the area you are looking up. Additionally, some websites list zip codes for specific cities or areas and in many cases include both five-digit codes as well as their corresponding four-digit extensions.

Get help from customer service representatives at specific businesses or organizations located at the address in question

If you’re looking for a 4-digit zip code to accompany a specific address, it can help to contact the business or organization that might be operating there. Customer service representatives from these establishments may be able to provide you with more detailed information about its location and what zip code is associated with it. Make sure to provide them with specific details about the address in question so they can accurately provide the 4 digit zip code you need.

Additionally, you can contact your local post office. Customer service representatives there may also be able to give you the 4 digit zip code associated with a given address. They might also be able to provide more than just the zip code - they could give you information on mail-order services that are available to addresses in that area. So, contact customer service providers of businesses and organizations located there, or reach out to your local post office if you need assistance finding a 4 digit zip code for a specific address.

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