Why does the double standard still exist in sexuality?

Why does the double standard still exist in sexuality?

Male and female sexual behavior judgments and expectations are formed using two weights and two measures. A bias that contributes to disparities.

When we speak of a double standard, we are referring to the mechanism by which the same behavior is evaluated differently depending on who is performing it. Not only does what you do matter, but so does who does it. In the realm of (hetero)sexuality, the one that binds reputation diametrically opposite to the number of partners is still deeply entrenched. A guy reporting that he has slept with many girls is a form of bragging, whereas a girl is encouraged to maintain discretion and, if possible, to reduce her number of ex boyfriends.

Is there still a double standard?

Many things have changed since 1956, when sociologist Ira L. Reiss first highlighted the double standard in sexuality on the pages of Social Forces. Many inequalities have been reduced as a result of sexual liberation, but we are still a long way from full social equality. And the traces of the previous thought pattern are still discernible.

It is no surprise that the relative privilege accorded to male sexuality has its drawbacks of performance anxiety and social pressures in conforming to a model of masculinity that does not always reflect one's feelings and desires, as well as promoting negative, if not aggressive, attitudes toward women who do not conform to the ideals of femininity in their behavior or gender expression, as the comedian Hannah Gadsby painfully recounted in Nanette.

Despite how unpopular they have become outside of conservative circles, believing that the double standards of sexuality have no hold on the younger generation is premature. Some studies have even found a second standard that penalizes male rather than female promiscuity, or a tendency to be more lenient with people of their own sex while harshly judging those of the opposite sex. In any case, this cognitive bias tends to bring moral judgments and preconceived ideas that are incompatible with an open and respectful society.

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