Why More Young People Feel Trapped In Jobs They Hate

Why More Young People Feel Trapped In Jobs They Hate

According to a new study from CareerCast, millennials are feeling increasingly frustrated by their current job situation.

The number of young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 living at home has increased dramatically over the past few decades. This trend has led many parents to wonder whether their children will ever leave the nest.

Here's why.

Millennials are more likely than older generations to feel trapped in jobs they hate. A recent survey found that nearly half (48 percent) of millennials say they would rather quit their job than stay with their current employer.
The reasons behind this trend vary from person to person, but one thing is certain: millennials are feeling increasingly dissatisfied with their careers. In fact, according to a study conducted by CareerBuilder, millennials are less satisfied with their jobs than previous generations were at similar ages. And while many millennials are looking for new opportunities, others are simply stuck in dead-end jobs because they lack the skills needed to advance.

The Job Market Is Tough.

If you're looking for a career change, there are plenty of reasons why you should consider switching careers. One reason is that you'll find better opportunities in different industries. Another reason is that you might enjoy a new type of work environment. And finally, you might just find yourself happier doing something else.

In fact, according to CareerCast's annual survey of job seekers, nearly one in four millennials (ages 18 to 34) say they would be willing to switch careers if they could find a job they truly enjoyed. That's compared to just 7 percent of Generation Xers and 3 percent of Baby Boomers who said the same thing.

Millennials Are Overqualified For Many Jobs.

A recent CareerCast survey found that more than half (53%) of millennials feel trapped in jobs they hate. This is especially true among those who graduated with college degrees.
The problem isn’t that millennials aren’t qualified enough for the jobs they want; it’s that many employers won’t hire them because they think they’re too expensive. In fact, according to a study from PayScale, the average salary for a millennial working at a company with fewer than 100 employees is $40,000 less than the average salary for a worker at a company with 1,000 employees or more.

There's A Lack Of Opportunity To Advance.

Millennials are also struggling to find opportunities to advance within their companies. Only one in five (20%) say there are career paths available at their company that allow them to move up the ladder.
The lack of advancement opportunities has led many millennials to seek employment elsewhere. In fact, according to a recent survey from CareerBuilder, nearly half (48%) of millennials would consider leaving their current job if they could get a better opportunity somewhere else.

You Can't Afford To Quit.

If you're stuck in a dead end job, you might feel trapped. But you don't need to stay where you are forever. There are ways to make the transition work for you.
The problem with most career advice is that it assumes you know what you want to do. That's why we asked our readers to tell us what they really wanted to be doing instead of working at their current job. Here's what they had to say: "I'm currently working in a field that I hate because I didn't know what else to do." "I am a teacher and I love teaching, but I hate being a teacher right now." "I am a nurse and I hate nursing." "I am a doctor and I hate medicine." "I am a lawyer and I hate law." "I am a writer and I hate writing." "I am a musician and I hate music." "I am a chef and I hate cooking." "I am a bartender and I hate bartending." "I am a waitress and I hate serving." "I am a secretary and I hate typing." "I am a cashier and I hate dealing with customers." "I am a salesperson and I hate selling." "I am a receptionist and I hate answering phones." "I am a housekeeper and I hate cleaning." "I am a janitor and I hate cleaning." And many others.

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